Learning the art of stern tieing
By Friday afternoon we were ready to get Doubletime back in the water. After her stately re-entry on the crane we slowly steered around to the fuel dock and filled her up (for the first time ever!). Once full with fuel and water we headed out to spend the evening at Royal Cove on Portland Island, part of the Gulf Islands Marine park
On the pleasant trip over though we happened to look down at her stern and noticed she was riding a lot lower in the water than before. Her exhaust was almost in the water! What had gone wrong? were we sinking? What disaster was about to befall us now? After a frantic search for where all this water could be (as the bilges were dry) we realised that all that happened was that we had never had her full of fuel and water before and that was all the problem was... crisis over!
Pulling into Royal Cove we were confronted with our next challenge - we had never stern tied before! I am sure we presented quite the spectacle as we tried to balance the anchor with the dinghy and the rope we had as a stern tie but eventually we got it sorted and, with a deep sigh of relief we settled in for a great evening in fine, calm weather